Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Physiology of Learning and Memory

Physiology of Learning and Memory  

Learning and the development of memory are processes that cannot be separated from psychology and sociology. This blog deals with the physiology of learning and memory. Topics include understanding the relationship between experience and the storage of acquired knowledge, how the brain deals with “useless” knowledge, and how infants start to understand their surroundings.


Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge or skills by study, instruction, or experience. Learning is the precondition for the brain to store experiences and use those experiences in our actions to gain benefits and prevent damage.

Humans adapt to their environment by learning. When an individual learns to expect and prepare for a significant event such as the arrival of food or pain, it is called learning by classical conditioning. When a person learns to repeat a behavior that brings a reward and understands how to avoid doing something that brings unwanted results, the process is termed learning by operant conditioning. When an individual learns about things they have neither experienced nor observed merely based on observation and through language, the process is termed cognitive learning. This chapter will discuss how a person learns.

Formation of synapses

Learning processes during the first 6 months of an infant’s life hold great significance in the development of the nervous system. Environmental stimuli and experiences also play a role as they lead to the formation of new synapses and the improvement of already existing synaptic connections. The ability of the brain to form and improve these connections are referred to as neuroplasticity, which is based on physiological or neuroanatomical conditions.

Infants learning

Most brain cells are already formed in utero. The 1st neurons and synapses begin to develop in the spinal cord approximately 7 weeks after conception. However, most nerve cells of infants are incapable of communication at the time of birth as they are not yet connected. These connections develop during the first 3 years of life by the formation of dendrites, which enable cells to absorb information. Moreover, synaptic connections are formed, which are responsible for relaying information. The extent of these connections is far greater than what is required, making it easy to adjust later if needed.

Learning capacity of infants

Babies react strongly to stimuli, which is an important indication that the learning process is being carried out. Besides, these stimuli are necessary for the brain to develop. Thus, an environment with few stimuli hinders the development of infants.

Infants can recognize faces and vocal sounds during their developmental stage, enabling them to differentiate between familiar faces and strangers. After imprinting their personal surroundings, infants lose a certain amount of flexibility related to their mental abilities. However, learning processes become more specific. This development occurs during the first 6 months of life.

Brain Work

The brain uses neurons to communicate and, to a large extent, manage itself. However, the development of neurons and the resulting brain capacities depend on environmental and sensory stimuli. The brain works in conjunction with the spinal cord to send and receive information via neurons. The brain processes perceptions, which are also connected; accordingly, it uses experiences that are already stored. However, most perceptions are suppressed. The brain differentiates perceptions that must be processed during the learning process based on the following aspects:

1. Relevance
2. Value of new knowledge
3. Significance
4. Meaningfulness

Importance of Emotions During the Learning Process

Cognition and emotions play a major role in the learning process. Sensations are used as somatic markers, which influence processing, storage, and memory. Learning also includes the strengthening of the most used neuronal pathways such that they can be used longer and, above all, faster.

Learning as Formation and Deformation in the Brain

The learning process starts with the processing of external influences. Learning leads to changes in the brain, which can be classified under 4 categories, namely, expanding, tuning, reconstructing, and pruning.

Expanding refers to improving the number and strength of neuronal connections by developing a network of already existing information. Tuning describes the process of creating new connections. Relearning occurs during the process of reconstructing. In this time-consuming and exhaustive process, pre-existing learning achievements (motor patterns and routine processes) are replaced by new ones that are better suited for the respective tasks. Pruning refers to regression of the neuronal pathways that are seldom or never used. During this process, connections can be changed such that they can no longer be activated.

Learning can be categorized as follows:

a. Intentional learning
b. Individual learning
c. Collective learning
d. Physical learning
e. Social learning

Significance of social interaction and physical activity

Humans need social interactions, and this also applies to the brain. Mirror neurons in the brain are responsible for development of the required cognitive orientation patterns. A mirror neuron is a type of sensory-motor cell located in the brain that is activated when an individual performs an action or observes another individual performing the same action. Thus, the neuron “mirrors” others’ actions. Physical activity is also important for brain performance, and this particularly applies in the 1st few years of life.

Localization of Learning Processes and Memory

Neurons of the cerebellum and basal ganglia are responsible for motor learning. Declarative memory is located in the medial temporal lobe. Hippocampal lesions lead to anterograde amnesia, a condition in which new information cannot be stored.

Process of Learning in the Brain

The hippocampus plays an important role in learning. The physiologic substrate of learning consists of continuous electrophysiologic, morphologic, and molecular changes in nerve cells. Long-term potentiation is necessary for the long-term availability of information. It facilitates the stimulation of afferent axons over a period of weeks and also leads to greater calcium influx.

Thoughts stored in the long-term memory are available during the entire lifespan of that individual. The process of creating long-term memories is mediated by neurotransmitters such as glutamate (glutamic acid).

Types of Learning

1. Motor Learning: Our day to day activities like walking, running, driving, etc, must be learnt for ensuring a good life. These activities to a great extent involve muscular coordination.

2. Verbal Learning: It is related with the language which we use to communicate and various other forms of verbal communication such as symbols, words, languages, sounds, figures and signs.

3. Concept Learning: This form of learning is associated with higher order cognitive processes like intelligence, thinking, reasoning, etc, which we learn right from our childhood. Concept learning involves the processes of abstraction and generalization, which is very useful for identifying or recognizing things.

4. Discrimination Learning: Learning which distinguishes between various stimuli with its appropriate and different responses is regarded as discrimination stimuli.

5. Learning of Principles: Learning which is based on principles helps in managing the work most effectively. Principles based learning explains the relationship between various concepts.

6. Attitude Learning: Attitude shapes our behavior to a very great extent, as our positive or negative behavior is based on our attitudinal predisposition.

Memory Systems

The striatum is associated with procedural memory and uses the pathway of the neocortex. Associative learning for emotional and motor processes occurs in the amygdala and cerebellum, respectively. Nonassociative learning occurs in the form of habituation and sensitization (both via reflex circuits).

Hebbian theory

The Hebbian theory explains how connections between certain neurons can be strengthened. This theory asserts that “neurons that fire together, wire together,” which means that when activity in a cell repeatedly elicits action potentials in a 2nd cell, the synaptic strength is potentiated.

If an axon of neuron A is located close enough to neuron B such that neuron B can be stimulated by neuron A repeatedly or continuously, the efficiency of neuron A for the stimulation by neuron B is increased by growth processes or changes in metabolism in 1 or both neurons. This suggests that experience-related changes in the nervous systems depend on certain conditions.

Development of Memory and the Papez Circuit

The Papez circuit exists in all mammals and is important for memory development. It is located in the center of the 
limbic system, which is present above the brain stem. The Papez circuit plays a vital role in social behavior, solicitude, love, fear, and learning by imitation.

Papez circuit

The Papez circuit is a chain of neurons named after its discoverer James Papez. Research on the tasks of the Papez circuit for memory performance is ongoing. However, the assumption that the circuit controls anger and rage is already outdated, as it has been discovered that the circuit is even more complex than Papez had thought.

It is currently believed that the Papez circuit plays a role in memory storage by transferring information from the primary memory (short-term memory) to the secondary (long-term memory) or tertiary memory (an independent component of long-term memory).

The Papez circuit proceeds as follows:

hippocampus → fornix → mammillary body in the hypothalamus (corpora mammillaria) → cingulate cortex → hippocampus. 

Different Types of Memory

The specialist term for mind and memory is called the mnestic function. Some things are easier to remember than others. For example, important events are easier to remember than those that hold no meaning, and positive experiences are easier to remember than neutral experiences. Moreover, the process of remembering is easier in a prevailing positive mood, which also means that remembering things is more difficult in a state of 
fatigue or grief.

Process of encoding information

Encoding is the process of transferring sensory information into a construct, which is then stored in our memory system. Working memory stores information for immediate use as part of mental activity (i.e., learning or problem solving).

It is believed to include a phonological loop (i.e., a component of the working memory model that deals with spoken and written material), a visuospatial sketchpad, a central executive, and an episodic buffer.

It allows for the manipulation and organization of information as opposed to short-term memory.

The primary effect is a cognitive bias that results in a subject recalling the 1st items on a list.

Items that have been encoded for the longest duration are transferred to the long-term memory.

The recency effect is a cognitive bias that results in a subject recalling the last items on a list. 

Items in the phonological loop are highly accessible.

Humans have declarative memory (explicit memory) and 
procedural memory (implicit memory). 

Declarative memory stores information that can be reproduced because humans are conscious of the experience. In contrast, procedural memory stores experiences for which one has no direct memory of the learning process. Nevertheless, this type of memory influences our behavior. A classic example of procedural memory is the learning of a new language.

Sensory (ultra-short-term) memory

The ultra-short-term memory receives stimuli from sensory organs in the form of neuronal excitation. This process has a duration of < 1 second, and perception is via the eyes or ears. Ultra-short-term memory via the eye is referred to as iconic memory, whereas that via the ears is known as echoic memory (it perishes just as fast). Only the stimuli that reach the short-term memory remain, as ultra-short-term memory has no storage capabilities.

Short-term/working memory (primary memory)

Memories in the primary (short-term/working) memory are available for as long as we occupy ourselves with them. If that process is interrupted, the memory is lost too. Memories that begin in the primary memory can be available permanently, but only if they are transferred to the long-term memory. Short-term memory is the usual transitory path for experiences to pass into long-term memory; however, this is occasionally short-circuited so that information can pass directly from the sensory memory to the long-term memory.

The hippocampus, located in the cerebral cortex, is involved in transmitting information from the primary memory to the long-term memory. The hippocampus is thought to be involved in this process because when lesions appear in the hippocampus, only the short-term memory remains intact. Another term for primary memory is labile memory, as it is very unstable. A single distraction is enough to forget the information that has been perceived or heard. Calcium plays a major role in these processes.

Long-term memory

Repetition is particularly important for storing memories in long-term memory. This concept is easily understandable when the high amount of repetition required to learn new movement patterns is considered, e.g., when learning a new sport.

Semantic networks and spreading networks

Information is stored in our long-term memory as an organized network.

Individual ideas or hubs are called nodes (e.g., cities on a map).

Nodes are connected by links or associations (e.g., roads between cities).

The strength of the association depends on how frequently and deeply the connection is made.

Processing material in different ways leads to the establishment of multiple connections.

Nodes are activated only when they reach a response threshold.

The response threshold is reached by the summation of input signals from multiple nodes.

Activation of a node leads to stimulation of neighboring connecting nodes.

Activation of a few nodes can lead to a pattern of activation within the network that spreads inward (spreading activation).

It explains contextual cues, priming, and associations.

Pathology of Memory Performance

The highly complex system of learning and memory is susceptible to malfunctions. If anomalies occur, the differential diagnosis must be made with the greatest care, because even changes in the mineral balance of the body can lead to disorders that give the impression of a disease (e.g., calcium deficiency). Furthermore, cases of 
dementia are increasing, which is partly due to the increase in life expectancy.


Amnesia is a memory disorder in which an individual loses access to stored information. “Amnesia” is derived from the Greek words a (without) and mnémē (memory). Amnesia is not an independent disease, but the symptom of a disease or the consequence of an influence on the brain. The influence can be internal or external. Individuals with amnesia cannot recall prior experiences or knowledge; this can affect either all or only certain parts and types of information. For example, patients can lose access to memories from certain stages of their lives. In most cases, they can remember events that occurred long ago rather than events that occurred recently. Several forms of amnesia cannot be differentiated from each other; however, the following variants are of importance:

Retrograde amnesia: a type of amnesia in which a person cannot recall memories that were formed before the event that caused the amnesia. Only recently stored memories are affected and not memories from years before. 

Transient global amnesia: a self-limiting clinical syndrome lasting < 24 hours and characterized by the acute onset of anterograde amnesia. Affected individuals are disoriented and ask repetitive questions. There may be an inability to recall general or personal information (retrograde amnesia) while the episode lasts.

Anterograde amnesia: an inability to form new memories/acquire new knowledgePsychogenic amnesia: refers to cases of memory loss presumed to have a psychological rather than a neurological cause Alzheimer disease (AD) 

Alzheimer disease is characterized by variable degrees of cortical atrophy, seen as gyral narrowing and sulcal widening, mostly in the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. If there is marked atrophy, there will be compensatory ventricular enlargement (hydrocephalus ex vacuo) secondary to the reduced brain volume. The outcome is the impaired relay of information. Furthermore, AD may make information processing or learning nearly impossible. The basic abnormality in AD is the accumulation of Aβ and tau proteins in specific regions of the brain due to excessive production and defective removal. Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the 2 pathologic hallmarks of AD.

The regions of the brain involved in processing information and memory performance are particularly affected by AD.

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